Thursday, September 24, 2009

I saw the future... not really, but it got your attention didn't it?

Bill Richardson, former US ambassador to the United Nations and New Mexico governor, wrote an article about US involvement in Israeli peace negotiations for CNN. I read the article this morning and it just reittereated many of the points I made in what I posted yesterday. Richardson stressed the importance for Americans to rally behind the President in his daunting efforts because this is obviously not as easy task. President Obama also added that the United States seeks peace agreement on all fronts including Lebanon and Syria.

How awesome is that!! Disregarding the United States' actual motives or negative factors concerning mingling of middle eastern countries, it finally seems like someone is putting peace in the middle east a the top of their list!! I feel like Obama has the same sense of urgency for middle eastern peace as he does for health care reform. The 5 billion dollar decision is still being persistently challenged, but we're taking steps in the right direction to correct a gross injustice.

:) I'll get off my soap box now because this isn't what I am primarily suppose to use this website for, but it has been helpful in helping me express my thoughts and opinions in an articulate way. I love blogging!

Since I'm here, I would also like to bring your attention to something else I read AND heard on the radio this morning. Thailand, the country with one of the worst cases of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, has announced a breakthrough with an HIV vaccine!! After monitoring over 16,000 Thai volunteers over a course of three years, they found that only 51% of the test group as opposed to the 74% of the placebo contracted the HIV virus. That is a HUGE deal!!! The HIV virus claims the lives of countless people every year and this is the first time postive news about a vaccine has been given to the media. Having visited Thailand I feel even more excited at this breakthrough because many people there suffer from the disease. News of this vaccine has basically made my day!! It's a wonderful day to be alive :)


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